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Angel Messages Blog

May 30, 2022, was the third day of Daily Intentions related to mankind 'creating peace' in our lives.  This was the message from the Angelic Realm:
"Know that you are not alone in your sadness and confusion.  Let us hold your pain... the burden you carry... the emotional wound that is slow to heal.  See beyond the pain, the fear and the imagined walls of protection (around your heart).  Let us provide relief, if only for a moment, to help you find Peace Within.  Let us help you Create Peace."

In addition to the beautiful Intentions for May 3rd - Grace of Forgiveness, Light of Love, Love's Devotion to Healing - AA Metatron provided a powerful message:

"Reach the troubled mind by speaking to the Heart!"  

Let us all remember this in our interactions with each other!

March 14, 2022, AA Chamuel provided the intentions to charge the Twelve Aspects of Deity Crystal Grid.  They were: Divine Light, Renewal and Recognition of the True Self.

Amidst all the turmoil in the world today, his message was comforting:
"Love will prevail."

He suggested a meditation for today be on the 4th Ray of White - Purity, Hope and Restoration.

January 17, 2022, AA Ariel provided the intention to charge the Twelve Aspects of Deity Crystal Grid.  It was simply The Heavenly Light of Love!

This was followed by the message: "Love's choice is Joy!  There is Joy in all things if you seek it.  Joy in understanding, the Joy in a Welcoming Heart.  Choosing Love is to choose Joy."

On January 6, 2022, AA Metatron, who helps ease our grief and find peace in a crisis, provided the intentions for the Twelve Aspects of Deity Grid and a healing message.
Intentions: Light of Hope, Open Heart, Transformation
His Message: "Find solace wrapped in the Divine Love of God."

The Twelve Aspects of Deity Crystal Grid is charged daily with Divine Intentions to support the spiritual growth of Humanity.  Today, October 3, 2021, the Violet Flame Angels provided the intentions and a message.

The Grid was charged with the Recognition that as we walk in the Illumination of the Light & Love of God, we Transform.

Every moment, and all around us, benefits from our Willingness to be the Full Expression of our Divine Self.  Today, may you walk in the Illumination of the Self to manifest all that is possible.  Meditation: The 12th Ray – Opal – Transformation and Transfiguration  The Twelve Aspects of Deity Grid

The Twelve Aspects of Deity Crystal Grid is charged daily with Divine Intentions to support the spiritual growth of Humanity.  Today, August 29, 2021, AA Michael provided the intentions: the Divine Will of God, the Peacemaker in All, the Spirit of Forgiveness, and the Joyous Victory of the Heart!

All are invited to welcome these intentions into your Heart.  To learn more about the creation of this grid and enjoy a meditation on The Twelve Aspects, use this link to the video on our YouTube channel.  The Twelve Aspects of Deity Crystal Grid 

This story originates in 2017.  There were many troubling events and exchanges between governments.  One evening I was particularly concerned for the safety of humanity.  Gabriel offered to pray with me and that helped calm my fears.

The next morning he would give me a message to share, but I need to explain what else was happening during this time frame.

My cousin, who is a wonderful photographer (her information is in the comments for this video) happened to be on a photography vacation in Canada’s National Parks and had returned home the day I was praying with Gabriel.  We spoke briefly and she mentioned she came home with 3500 images to process and would be busy working on that project.

Back to Gabriel’s message… all of the concerns still weighed on my mind the next morning.  Gabriel said “No matter the darkness that surrounds us, the Light will always prevail.  Understand what is happening, but dwell in the Light”.  Then he let me know that my cousin would have a photograph related to this message.

I called her, explained the prayer experience, the message and added that Gabriel always presents in a light blue, so I expect there may be some evidence of him in the photo.

10 minutes later, she emailed me the photo you see in the image… saying “You mean this one”?  I was stunned… she had 3500 images, but knew which photo to show me.  What was amazing is that she took the picture from the vantage point of being a passenger in a moving car.  There are no enhancements to the image.  The sun was illuminating the snowy mountaintop and there was Gabriel… in those beautiful pale blue rays.

Since that time, Gabriel asked me to share the message in March of 2020 … and here we are again… in January of 2021 and he has asked me to once again relay the story, as the message is so appropriate for what we watch unfold right now.  Gabriel’s original message was “No matter the darkness that surrounds us, the Light will always prevail. Understand what is happening, but dwell in the Light”.  Today he adds “Have faith in the Light… draw on the strength and connection within your heart.  Remember… battles should be fought from a place of Love.”  

A Guided Meditation video was created and is on the PPR YouTube channel.  You can use the following link or simply to to and search on Patricia Parente Reiki.  You will find the video in the recent Uploads section and the Angel Messages section. 

During the course of a recent conversation, a colleague posed an interesting question ... What is healing?  A bit later, having a quiet moment to ponder how I would respond to that question, the AA Raphael provided the following:  "Healing is a state of freedom in the mind that allows (us) to move forward".  Such a perfect response from The Divine Healer!  I gave thought to how that applied in my own mind / experiences, and continue to be mindful of this powerful message.  

11-23-17 Gratitude






You are the Grace and Gratitude that you hold in your Heart!

11-11-17 Observance

The number 11 is known to hold angelic vibration (energy) and in Numerology it is viewed as one of the Master Numbers (the other is 22).  Amplifying the number to “11 11” in reference to either the time or the date is said among other things, to be a sign of Angels.  As a day, it also holds the potential for spiritual awakening and enlightenment.  An expression of gratitude when noticing that time is a wonderful gesture.  If it is the date, then it is not only a day to stay in feelings of gratitude, but a day to ask for guidance, which helps us know the path that will bring us into alignment.

On 11-11-17, Pat participated in and/or conducted three ceremonies appropriate to the day.  At 11:11 AM, a service for Humanity; at 1:11 PM, a service for the Earth and ‘Natures Angels’; and at 4:11 PM, a service for the Animal Kingdom.  Below are brief descriptions, observations and pictures from each event.  Why is this posted on the Angel Messages page?  Because they were quite instrumental in each ceremony and they were very present!

11:11 AM (with fellow Lightworker Debbie Owens)

A lovely morning ceremony for  Humanity was conducted on this bridge.  It included an acknowledgement of the Twelve  Solar Aspects of Deity (Will,  Wisdom, Love, Ascension, Truth,  Grace, Forgiveness, Clarity,  Harmony, Peace, Purpose and  Transformation) and prayers for  Humanity.

There were so many beautiful moments at this location.  Photos are from the site of the ceremony: The Van Wickle House property and D&R Canal, Somerset, NJ.






Post ceremony photo of the Beams of Light!





Another post ceremony photo!

1:11 PM

This early afternoon ceremony, which included prayers for the Earth and Nature’s elementals  was conducted in an open area in the Perennial Garden at   Colonial Park, Somerset, NJ.  I   left this ceremony filled with a   sense of peace.  Photos are from the ceremony site and other locations in the Garden.










4:11 PM

The last ceremony of the day was conducted for the Animal Kingdom. It was also the most  breathtaking!  Life at the lake in  Colonial Park was very evident.    Seeing the animals that reside there and those that ‘visited’  (their timing was incredible!)  made this ceremony so special!

Additional photos below are from the site of the ceremony.






Loving Words

10-09-17: The following message was the response to my pondering 'how do you find the right words so there is understanding (not resentment) on the part of the listener?'

"True Love is not a show or display... it simply is.  Dwell in what is.  (If coming from) the pure heart, all will be right."



Capture Each Moment


Rushing... trying to fit too much in one day... we all do it.  I was feeling rushed for days and another day was starting with that same feeling. The Angels reminded me that "each moment was precious" and I "miss the beauty by not being present for each moment".  A few minutes later I was guided to bring my camera into the healing space and just start taking pictures... I was to "capture one magnificent moment to the next".