Feedback and testimonials are much appreciated. Here’s a sampling, including many commenting on the virtual/distance experience:
- Presentation of Story of Violet Flame Energy of the Heart® and Healing Circle
“I just wanted to thank you and your team (both physical and non-physical) for the amazing healing experience this past Saturday night!” JA
“It was a special meditation to me as I rarely cry during a meditation…also the fact that I saw an image of the Virgen Mary is amazing. Have a special devotion to her. Wonderful presentation last night…still processing!” WK
“Thank you kindly for your time Saturday evening. You presented a wonderful healing meditation and class on Saint Germain‘s Violet Flame!!! I am deeply grateful!!!” VA - Video Healing Circle May 2022:
“Wow, very powerful and beautifully done. The imagery is peaceful yet powerful, with the music and spoken word bringing you to such a deep meditation.” SS - Violet Flame Energy Of The Heart Class June 2021:
“As a giver and receiver of Violet Flame Energy of the Heart℠, awareness of healing is immediate. This practice transforms energy into love and kindness, one Ray at a time, for Universal Peace.” ND of the H - Violet Flame Energy Of The Heart Class June 2021:
“Being guided towards the teachings by Pat about the Violet Flame Energy of the Heart has been a blessing in my life. She shared her knowledge in a professional manner with the ease of instruction to allow the individual student to understand each component fully. It has allowed myself as a practitioner, to help clients connect within themselves to release what is not serving them in a loving way. I too experience as the recipient of this modality, a calm and sereneness within my daily life.” PF - Violet Flame Energy Of The Heart Class April 2021:
“Guidance led me to the class. The combined energy of the Heart and the Violet Flame is very powerful, very intense. As a practitioner, it’s great to blend with someone – no effort involved – just Love.” MO - Violet Flame Energy Of The Heart Class April 2021:
“As a holistic practitioner, I am drawn to modalities that offer the opportunity to learn new ways of reconnecting with myself, as well as with others. I feel the timing of this type of awareness is so needed by everyone with all the pressures and stresses of daily life. I found the Violet Flame Energy of the Heart from St. Germain to be a heart-centered practice that helps align our inner and outer worlds creating a state of harmony and balance within. The symbols were powerful for me as I believe we are one with ourselves when our actions are from our heart. Pat’s way of teaching is passionate, inspirational, and engaging. She carefully plans each offered class so the students can absorb the material presented in a truly relatable way. I highly recommended this Violet Flame of the Heart class to anyone who desires to learn more about releasing unsupportive energy while expanding your heart center. This allows you to come into the fullness of all that you were created to be!” LP - Violet Flame Energy Of The Heart Class April 2021:
“Working with the violet flame feels like pure love. I am very grateful to Pat for introducing this modality to me. She teaches with passion, compassion and wisdom. I finished the class feeling lighter, hopeful and joyous. If you are new to healing modalities, this is a great place to start. I practice several healing modalities. I cannot wait to add this to my client’s sessions. I am very grateful that I was led to this class.” LK - Violet Flame Energy Of The Heart Class April 2021:
“Violet Flame is an amazing modality and I am grateful that I took this class. This class was fantastic. Violent Flame is so powerful that I was receiving guidance before the start of class. The class flew by and left all of us wanting more. This modality is gentle yet penetrating. There are lasting lessons. Pat is amazing, professional and a fantastic teacher. I have no hesitation recommending this modality and/or Pat! Thank you so much, Pat!” MN - Violet Flame Energy Of The Heart Class April 2021:
“After having my Violet Flame session with Pat, I was able to release non-supporting energy and transmute it, since then I have been able to re-connect to who I am and why I am here. When Pat said she was going to teach Violet Flame EOTH I was so excited to learn, add this to my healing modality toolbelt. After the class and incorporating this in my daily personal practice I feel more centered and filled with love and compassion towards others, but also towards myself. I would highly recommend working with Pat and learning Violet Flame EOTH. Thank you Pat for sharing your gifts with us.” SS - Distance Violet Flame Healing Session February, 2021:
“I highly recommend a Violet Flame session with Pat, for anyone ready to let go blocks, ready to awaken their Spirit, ready to expand their High Heart and embrace the power of their Divine Essence. I felt the power of this session physically in my body, even through zoom. And the images I was shown were confirmed by Pat, as she offered even more details and commentary to add to the visual messages I received. I feel more aligned, lighter in Spirit, more Peace and more forgiveness towards my past. Again, Pat is a gifted healer and of true service. I fully trust Pat’s healing and guidance, which I don’t do lightly!” DR from NJ - Distance Violet Flame Healing Session January, 2021:
“Now that I have processed some of what occurred in my Violet Flame session, I feel lighter. Having non-supporting energy released through this method is different, as it goes deeper. I sense the energy releases and transmutes it, so the same non-supporting energy can’t reattach. This is a powerful tool that helped me to make a re-connection to who I am and why I’m here.” SS from NJ - Outdoor Ancestral Healing Ceremony June, 2020:
“It has given me so much peace!” - Online Reiki II Attunement July, 2020:
“There was a rush of energy into my hands; they were throbbing. It was amazing!” - Online Reiki Class June, 2020:
“I love, love, loved the online class! Fantastic experience with an attunement which was powerful and beautiful. Why? I feel I had a deeper experience because I was completely relaxed at home (erase traffic, commute or rushing) with no barriers or inhibitions whereas in a classroom setting there would be unconscious borders. The small class size helped with communication and guidance. I am a big fan of online classes now whereas before I was hesitant. Pat is patient, realistic, agile and an expert in her field. Thank you so much, Pat! I will be back for more! Lots of love!” - Online Reiki Class June, 2020:
“Just finished the Reiki 1 review as an online class and attunement. Reconnected with parts of myself that were long forgotten. Reiki is nothing short of life changing for me.” - Virtual 5 Higher Bodies Workshop May, 2020:
“Loved the meditations and experiences. I learned that one of the Bodies I need to work on, as it drove me crazy. This information was completely new to me. Who does not want to evolve to a higher vibration and embrace the unknown? Loved it!!” - Virtual St. Germain Meditation Circle May, 2020:
“This was a much needed round table for me. I had been receiving messages, which made no sense and the discussion helped me understand and validate the messages. I felt relief and love. The poem meditation from Rumi was embraced and appreciated. I also felt that it was very helpful that everyone shared their experiences, as the timing of the Circle was during the height of COVID impact and everyone was able to communicate and release something. Thank you!” - Distance Reiki Session May, 2020:
“The experience gave me much needed confidence. I loved that Pat shared her notes. It gave me an appreciation of the findings and I was able to follow the post treatment discussion well. I also loved the pre session discussion. Pat had received guidance before the sessions that she shared, which enhanced the treatment because I was able to anchor myself. Loved the session and will come back for more. Thank you, Pat!” - Virtual Meditation Circle/Class May, 2020:
“I truly appreciate all the virtual classes you’ve been doing. Truly a tremendous help. Thank you very much. I’m normally the type of person that once I’m home, doesn’t want to go out no matter how enticing the class is. The virtual classes have been absolutely fabulous. It has given me the opportunity to attend many more classes than I would normally attend. On the meditations, I love that I don’t’ have to drive home afterward.” - Reiki Healing Session Client July, 2019:
“I was truly amazed at Pat’s remarkable ability and gift of Reiki healing. She intuitively knows what is going on with you spiritually, mentally and physically. She also calls on the Angels and Spirit Guides that are needed and is guided by them. Her healing left me calm and grounded. I was searching for a true energy healer and have found all of this and more in Pat. I highly recommend her – the search is over!” - The Chakras Workshop Participants Jan, 2018:
“Wonderful, peaceful, informative. I could feel the connection as we moved thru the chakras.”
“It was great and relevant to what I am experiencing in my life.”
“Wow, I knew I was going to love this workshop, but I have to say the positive change from when I walked in, and by the end of the workshop, the feeling was remarkable.”
“Very enlightening. I feel much better than I did before I arrived.”
“This workshop far exceeded my expectations.”
“Thank you for everything offered in this Chakra class, your dedication, passion and generosity. There was a lot of information to cover; you did an awesome job from Root to Crown! I came home with a much deeper understanding of Chakras, crystals and the importance of yoga…” - HSP Workshop Participants:
“Healing, supportive, sense of community and connection to others. Exceeded my expectations. I didn’t come with questions, but I got answers I didn’t know I needed.”
“Wonderful, fulfilling, informative. Exceeded expectations. Definitely would like to see this type of event again.”
“The workshop was enlightening, entertaining and very personal, which was easily relatable. (Answers to my) questions were what I was seeking”
“Wonderful! Exceeded expectations.”
“The workshop validated feelings I’ve had my whole life. I learned I need to be in control of my own happiness.”
“(Donna is) very intuitive. All my questions were answered.”
“Very helpful and practical with useful exercises and suggestions living as an HSP. Individual channeling was great! Received answers to questions I didn’t even know I had.” - Winter Solstice-Crystal Bowl Circle:
K.G., Florida
The Crystal Bowl Event was wonderful, and as you know, life changing for me! I feel like the old me – happy, cheerful and eager for each new day! What you do is truly amazing! - Reiki I Class Participant:
C.V., New Jersey
My favorite topic during the Reiki I class was the Chakras. Learning in detail about each and every chakra, plus learning how to clean them and take care of them, so our energies can be more in balance, was very interesting to me. Being a newbie on this subject, I found the materials and their presentation was very interesting. Ms Parente put me at ease from the very beginning of the class, she communicated her knowledge and shared her experience with the group in an very loving and peaceful way. This to me was key. Thank you Patricia! - Reiki I Class Participant:
S.S., New Jersey
Favorite topic was the chakras. Knowing the history (of Reiki) gives a good foundation of learning and understanding. WOW, I know that is general but I enjoyed every aspect (of the class). From the loving, peaceful atmosphere to the attention and care given to each one of us by Pat and each of my classmates. I could not have imaged a better experience. And I am looking forward to taking the Reiki II class.
- Reiki I Class Participant:
J.M., New Jersey
I really got a lot out of class! I’ve been taking many more deep breaths throughout my day, and I pause to see the beauty of the day and feel so grateful to be part of it!
- Reiki I Class Participant:
M.V.M., New York
I really enjoyed the Reiki class. You’re such a good teacher, and you made Reiki so much more relevant to my life. I’ve been experimenting with the daily routine. It’s still new, but it resonated with me.
- Weekend of Wellness & Inspiration Participant:
S.S., New Jersey
(The Event) was so informative. The Presenters and attendees were helpful and personable.
- Soul Reading-Drawing with Donna Russo Participants:
“The experience exceeded my expectations.”
“I felt the energy and information confirmed some of my feelings and experiences.” Donna is very personable and I felt quite comfortable.”
“Very energizing and helpful!” “A lot to take in. Gives me, and confirms direction and what needs to be worked on.”
“Very detailed and accurate. I thoroughly enjoyed the reading and my Soul Drawing.”
“Enlightening and provided a direction.”
- Reiki Circle Participant: J.G., New Jersey
Had a great experience learning the Root Chakra. For quite some time now my medial ankle bones would be sore especially when I got up in the morning. Once I did the Root Chakra exercise and chant the discomfort has disappeared. I may feel the soreness every now and then but barely noticeable.
- Reiki Client – Healing touch: M.V.M., New York
Pat didn’t ask me which parts of my body were aching before we started my Reiki session. Her hands were able to find them and stayed on them until the pain subsided, and I experienced a deep sense of comfort and relaxation that lasted for several days. I’ve never experienced anything like Pat’s healing touch before.
- Reiki Client – Reiki from a distance: K.G., Florida
I was suffering from joint pain as well as work-related stress. As a result, restful sleep was difficult. During my session I experienced a great sense of calm; my body relaxed. That night, I enjoyed the first restful sleep in many weeks! I was amazed because my session was from a distance, yet Pat was able to sense my areas of pain!
- Reiki Client – Reduction in anxiety and nervousness: G.C., New Jersey
I have long believed in alternative healing and medicine, but I am also usually skeptical since some things in the past were not as they were supposed to be. I was very pleased when I went to Pat’s Reiki treatment for the first time (and every time after). I have Hepatitis C and am a very anxious, nervous person along with some other physical problems and depression. I left the first treatment with a feeling of calm and peacefulness that I don’t think I have ever felt. I didn’t even want a cigarette, which is major for me. Each time I went I felt calmer and more whole as a person and when I missed a couple of weeks my husband even told me to go get a treatment because I was getting anxious and nervous again … I will never give up the Reiki treatments because I am becoming a new person, calm, loving, and feeling that I am whole with nature and the world that I have not felt since I was a child. Give yourself the gift of healing what life has thrown at you and be the person that you were meant to be.
- Reiki Client – Reiki for Pets: S.R., New Jersey
There is no greater gift that one could give to their beloved animal, pet, and lifelong friend than a Reiki session with Patty. As my loyal dog Martha struggled to leave her body, a Reiki session calmed and comforted her soul as it moved from our physical world to another. It was clear to me that I had provided her with the very best that I could: a loving and guiding hand to help her make her transition without me. It was truly one of the most moving and beautiful experiences that I have witnessed in my lifetime. I am certain that for any of my animals who are gravely ill or preparing to pass that I would provide them with Reiki sessions to support them, comfort, and allow their souls to pass with greater ease. Truly, a beautiful moment to experience, and one that I will never forget.
- Reiki Class Participant – Meditations: J.M., New Jersey
The most helpful was learning the meditations. This is something that I needed to discover, and you helped me with this. I spend way too much of my time rushing about and I forget to take time to relax and take deep breaths. Incorporating meditation into my life is really helping me to slow myself down and enjoy what is around me.