October 2017 Loving Words; Capture Each Moment

Loving Words

10-09-17: The following message was the response to my pondering ‘how do you find the right words so there is understanding (not resentment) on the part of the listener?’

“True Love is not a show or display… it simply is.  Dwell in what is.  (If coming from) the pure heart, all will be right.”



Capture Each Moment


Rushing… trying to fit too much in one day… we all do it.  I was feeling rushed for days and another day was starting with that same feeling. The Angels reminded me that “each moment was precious” and I “miss the beauty by not being present for each moment”.  A few minutes later I was guided to bring my camera into the healing space and just start taking pictures… I was to “capture one magnificent moment to the next”.