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October 31, 2016: Intentions

On the morning of October 31st during meditation and conversation with the Angels, they offered a solution to the turmoil that we all seem to be feeling this year - their suggestion was that the group distance Reiki session for clients and students that I typically conduct on holidays should be conducted next Tuesday evening (November 8th) starting at 8:00 PM. I was thrilled at the thought of being occupied with such a lovely task, especially since it would keep me away from the TV for a good part of the evening. As the conversation progressed, it was decided I would ask you all for your (non-partisan) intentions for everyone in the country... peace... health... whatever is in your heart. I will include these intentions in the session. Also, if you would like to spend even a few minutes connecting to the session from where you are next Tuesday evening, simply find a quiet space, close your eyes and bring your awareness to your heart center.

There are two housekeeping items.  Please note the following:

  1. Everyone reading this may have their intention included in the session. Simply contact me by 7:45 PM, Tuesday, November 8th via email at, letting me know your intention.
  2. I cannot send Reiki to anyone who is not a client or student without their permission. If you would like to be included to receive Reiki, please contact me sooner than later to provide that permission.

I will share with you that I feel such a sense of relief and I hope you will too! I look forward to hearing from you!

September 30, 2016: The Unexpected Gift

We've all experienced it... the time when something incredible happens and we know that had there been the slightest change in events or decisions, we would not have experienced the moment.  I feel certain that my grandson and I met an Angel this week, and in an unlikely place.

Earlier this week, my daughter asked me if I could bring Brandon for a haircut after school, as my Son-in-Law wouldn't be home in time and school pictures were the next day.  Not one to miss an opportunity to be with them, the day's schedule was altered and I drove to their home.  Jacki messaged me during the trip, but after a time when I didn't respond, she called with the news that while all the kids were waiting to see me, Len was home and could take Brandon.  Also, the Barber Shop they intended to use was closed, so it would be another barber a bit farther away.  Arriving at their home, we decided I would still take him and was given the directions to the shop, which apparently was not easy to find.

We found the Barber Shop located in the back of a mall; there were no other store fronts in that part of the building.  While waiting, I joined in a conversation with the barber and another customer whose son was getting his hair cut.  I mentioned meditation and the barber relayed a wonderful story about a school replacing punishment with meditation and the results were astonishing.  During this conversation another (older) barber walked in the door, brought his packages to the back of the shop and came back out to cut Brandon's hair.  Shortly, the other child's haircut was finished and within minutes of each other, the father and son, then the other barber left the shop.

Moments later, the barber mentioned that he heard us talking about meditation when he came in.  He tells Brandon and I the story of how a very long time ago, he was befriended by someone from a (wellness center) who introduced him to meditation.  He quickly connected to the practice, and after a time, amazing things began to happen.  Suddenly he put the scissors down, went to the back of the shop, and returned with what appeared to be an old hardcover book.  Handing it to me, he told me it was ok to look inside.  As I sat initially just holding the book, a feeling of peacefulness came over me; the edges were frayed and worn, but I knew that this was something very special he was willing to share with us.  I was stunned by what I read on the pages, beautiful handwritten poem, after beautiful poem!  I began reading them aloud to Brandon, explaining to him that these were poems to God; Brandon loved each one.  The barber then explained that when he meditates the words just flow from him and he writes on whatever is handy.  That was why there were many slips of paper tucked within the journal.  I asked if he ever thought of publishing them; no, he replied, they were for his children to have when he is gone.  As I continued to read, he spoke to Brandon of how he learned that even though people don't always understand some of these things he talks to them about, it is very important that he, that we all, be true to who we are; meditation helped him connect to that.

I continued to read through the journal.  Throughout there were drawings by his daughter when she was young and she also wrote sweet notes to her Dad.  In between his conversation with Brandon, I'd stand by them and read the poems, as if they were a guided meditation; the barber was moved hearing them that way.  At that point I asked if I could share some of them in the Reiki practice and was thrilled when he said yes; the only condition was that I not use his name.  Honoring that, I can't share the synchronicity of his name, but there is one!

Not all the poems were titled...

Put me in touch with my heart
In touch with the love
Help me feel You in everything
You're my goal to feel that love all the time
Like cool air all around me
Like clouds that move
You're that love
That feeling, that thought of everlasting peace
That's always in our hearts and will always be
Things around us change
But one thing never will
Like the wind that blows the clouds.


On a day that at any point could have been different, Brandon and I met a complete stranger who shared his deepest feelings with us - his poems to God.  We walked into a Barber Shop expecting just a haircut... and we left with a gift.

The Gift
To be able to see,
to hear,
to feel,
to smell,
to breathe,
to reason,
to talk,
to cry,
to love.
Without it, none of this is possible.  


July 11, 2016:  Peace Begins at Home

Early in the morning on Friday, July 8th, before I knew of the events of the last evening, AA Gabriel arrived at my front door, initiating what seemed like an unplanned Hosting the Archangels visit.  Within a couple of hours I knew why he was here… to provide loving reassurance, in a way that only he can, after another in a string of tragedies occurring last week.  He patiently waited for me to take in the news, see the disputes and shared stories on FB, feel the awkwardness in the air when out running errands and during the last errand, struggle with my response to a store clerk’s uneasy sounding greeting “How are you today”?  As I walked back to my car I knew that neither of us were fine; perhaps only trying to be, given the exchange.  It stayed with me for a long time that I hadn’t spoken what was really in my heart… the feeling of being at a loss for the “solution” to all the violence; what will end the violence; what will make things change?

Gabriel listened as I wrestled with the divided perspectives presented in the news and social media.  The weekend consisted of many conversations and thoughts passed between us.  His core message was always the same… “Peace begins at home”, and that process begins in “the ‘home’ within everyone’s heart”.  It involves “every person being courageous enough to take a personal inventory and explore our own feelings… asking ourselves ‘What am I not seeing?’… ‘What am I not understanding about (another person’s) perspective?’…

On Sunday morning I was visited by numerous dragonflies in the garden and a short time later, had the company of one for a good part of a walk through the neighborhood.  Knowing their symbolism has to do with change, I found this description:  The dragonfly, in almost every part of the world symbolizes change and change in the perspective of self-realization; and the kind of change that has its source in mental and emotional maturity and the understanding of the deeper meaning of life.  On Monday morning they were back; five of them reaching for my attention, along with my attempts to get a good photograph.  It was clearly time to write Gabriel’s message.   He asked that I include part of my recent article for Reiki practitioners, which follows:

Fear to Fearless?

Fear is defined by Merriam-Webster as - an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.  Recognizing that manifestation of fear seems rather easy, but do we always understand the reason for our fear or recognize that it’s often fear behind another emotion, choice, or course of action?

It took me quite a long time to truly sit down and write this article.  I’d write thoughts … expand on them a bit and then walk away for a while.  “A while” mind you, translated to days; even weeks at one point.   So … what was that about?  It took some soul searching to discover the underlying fear that I wouldn’t be able to do this topic justice.  If I put all the feelings that were uncovered in an equation, it would look something like this:

Exaggerated Expectations + Doubt in Ability = Perceived Failure

Sound familiar?  And it doesn’t stop there, does it?  No, because our mind becomes quite certain that failure equals fallout.  Fallout?  Of course, and who knows what that might be!  That “unknown” consequence becomes one more thing to fear.  As you can see, there is no end to this scenario.  Unless we recognize what’s happening we will continue to “walk away.”

Fear hides in the mind.  It hides behind control, behind anger, and yes, even procrastination.  Since there can be very valid reasons to hesitate taking an action, honor your gut feeling by exploring any obvious concerns first.  But if you do not identify any real concerns, it’s time to look deeper for the unfounded fear.  Some of the signs include:

  • You feel stuck; unable to make a decision.
  • You’ve made a decision you know is the right one, yet can’t move forward.
  • Your emotional reaction to a situation is "over the top."

If any of the signs resonate with you, consider exploring the source.  The best way to do that is to … sit with the feeling in meditation or in silence, letting the feeling speak to you.  If necessary, ask yourself what is this about?  Know that you are safe as you follow the feelings.  Be patient and always compassionate regarding the story that unfolds.

As you begin to understand where the resistance originates, it may simply fall away.  You will know if additional time is needed or if it is time to move forward in faith.

Developing the ability to discern appropriate caution from groundless fear is invaluable…   (end)

Reading through this part of the article, it’s understandable why Gabriel asked that it be included, as we don’t always know what is behind our reactions and/or response.  Thank you for your time and your consideration of the message.

May 8, 2016:  A Mother's Love






During the Mother's Day session for clients and students, the Angel's message emphasized the strength, security and soothing influence of Love, particularly a Mother's Love.  The Angel's advice ... allow them to help you lift the weight of the burdens you sometimes choose to carry ... rest your head from worry and the need to understand all that is happening ... replace over-analyzing with simply being present.

February 29, 2016: Doors

I have been “Hosting the Archangels” since 6:22 AM on February 24, 2016.  (There is a page on the website dedicated to this lovely ritual.)  It has been a memorable and love filled experience.  No amount of preparation nor prior experience communicating with them could have prepared me for what would unfold during these five days, and certainly not for what would happen today as I prepared for them to 'leave'.  They asked me to write about the experience even though it was so personal, explaining that their message to me, as I opened the door this morning "would resonate with others on many levels".

Today, February 29, 2016, at 6:22 AM was the scheduled “departure” of the Archangels.  I planned to walk through the ceremonial steps of the departure even though they would continue to be a guiding force in the Reiki Practice.  Sitting in meditation with them prior to departure time, they reminded me of three things - to “write from the heart”; as we had done for five days “make the most of each moment”; and “trust”.  As we walked to the front door (it is to be physically opened for them to ‘leave’), a wave of emotion came over me.  As I opened the door crying, their message was "someone may walk out a door (and leave), but they don’t leave (you) in their heart".  During what could have only been seconds, I was a child again and my Father had just left the family.  I knew what was happening, and a part of me left through that door with him...  My thoughts were then brought back to last night’s dream with him, and a second later, I was standing at my front door again feeling as if a great (resolution) had just occurred.  There really are no words to describe the feeling at that moment; so many things simply seemed to fall into place.

We sat in meditation again, and it was at that time they asked me to write about this experience.  They continued to explain “despite how someone ‘leaves’ – in death, in anger/separation, emotionally, or through their behavior, it doesn’t mean they’ve left in their heart.  We assure you they have not.  See through the (actions) to the core, to the source of the love that is there.  See it and you will know how to respond from a place of love.” A few moments later they said, “A great light, the great love, is in (everyone’s) heart.

I hope that in some small way this is helpful to you.

February 14, 2016:  He is the Writer

20160214_Amethyst Circle 021416Sharing the Message to Clients in celebration of Valentine's Day:

While this is not a typical Session for Clients Valentine’s Day message, it seems that it is one that will strike a uniquely personal chord (or chords) in your hearts.

I went to sleep last night knowing there would be a session for clients today and woke this morning knowing it would not be the ‘expected’ Valentine’s Day session message.  The message was quickly delivered via a verse in a poem by 13th Century Mystic Poet Rumi "… He is the Writer; I am the pen in His fingers…".  I was assured this was about the Heart… and healing, as the color green was so prominent in the guidance!

Amethyst and a green quartz were to be used during the session starting in the shape of a heart; however, during the session the shape was to change to a circle, as shown in the photo.  I had an immediate resonance with the circle and you may have your own.

Before the session concluded, there was a rush of love coming in from your loved ones.  It is such a joy to experience and relay the depth of their love for you.  Happy Valentine’s Day!

November 26, 2015:  See the love!

K5S_0689Yesterday, a memory from about 55 years ago was brought to mind.  It was a very difficult time from my perspective as a child, as I’m sure it was from the perspective of my Mother.  While I’d thought about it before, this time the feelings were transformed.  It was the Angels’ message that accompanied the memory that brought a flood of understanding and emotion, pulling me to view the scene differently.  … Do not see the sadness, or the lack, in this memory… see the love to provide what was possible at that moment... do not worry about the things you cannot do, or change … let go of feelings that may say ‘it is not enough’…  Whatever (you) can do in any experience, do it with love… that is all that matters…

In this Thanksgiving morning’s Session for Clients, the Angels sent an endless stream of loving energy.  It seemed connected to yesterday’s message…to bring comfort and an alternative perspective to whatever is troubling or feels like a burden.

November 20, 2015: Radiate light and love today!

RadiateLightLove NO TEXT 2015-1120During an early morning meditation today, a message came through from the AA Michael.  It seemed to come as a response to my struggle (and I imagine there are many of us are struggling) with feelings about recent world events.  There was so much outcry over the past week … understandably so, but I felt at a loss in what felt like the choosing of sides.  During the meditation, I was shown an image of beams of light coming from me.  That was followed shortly by my seeing the image that you see in this photo.  The image was to be captured and posted with their message "to make this day one of Light and Love."

More of the message came through following the post and that is detailed below, but I realize now that the message actually began two days ago when I read and viewed a YouTube video tribute to Carl Sagan’s The Pale Blue Dot.  It seems significant to share it all with you.

Watching the video I was reminded of a rather cherished memory from almost nine years ago when my oldest grandson was about three.  It seems that day in pre-school the children were learning to memorize their address … where they lived …. He told me that evening “I said, I live on the Earth."

Fast forward to this morning.  Following the posting of the photo, I was given an image to help me gain perspective.  I hope I can sufficiently bring that to you.

Imagine a much smaller earth and you are one of many people, all standing together as far as your eye can see …  people in front of you, behind you, to your right, to your left … all you see are people.  You notice there are no countries … no borders … no oceans … they are not visible … only people are visible.  I was told that it is from that perspective that I should find my feelings on the events.

This morning, the Angels, led by AA Michael, guided us to radiate light, but there would be more that they had to say.  Referring to the outcry, anger, and arguments among us, they said we are … creating division among the peaceful population by shouting our upset and taking a stand for one approach over another.  We should not create this division.  They wanted to provide a way … to bring peace to your own feelings… these images are to provide a perspective.  You can imagine your ability to radiate beams of light … you have this ability … use it!  Be it!  Focus your attention there (on the light).  Decisions will be made … a direction will be taken.